Lapho iloli lihlome ngeUhlelo olunesisindo esinesisindo
After the sanitation truck is equipped with on-board weighing system, the garbage generating unit and the garbage transportation department can observe the weight of the goods on board in real time through the screen display without having to cross the scale. Futhi ngokuya ngesidingo, phrinta idatha enesisindo nganoma yisiphi isikhathi.
Thuthukisa ukuphepha kokusetshenziswa kwezimoto futhi uxazulule ukulimala komgwaqo kusuka kokuyisisekelo. Vehicle overload transport is extremely harmful, not only caused a large number of road traffic accidents, but also serious damage to roads and bridges and other infrastructure, bringing devastating damage to road traffic. Ukulayisha ngokweqile kwezimoto ezisindayo kuyinto ebalulekile ekulimaleni komgwaqo. Kufakazelwe ukuthi umonakalo womgwaqo kanye ne-axle umthwalo mass ubudlelwano obuningi obuningi. Lolu hlelo lungaxazulula le nkinga empandeni. Uma imoto yezimpahla igcwele kakhulu, imoto izothusa futhi ayikwazi ukuhamba. Lokhu kuqeda isidingo sokushayela endaweni yokubheka ukubheka ngokweqile, futhi kuxazulule inkinga emthonjeni. Otherwise the driving distance of the overloaded car before going to the checkpoint, there is still traffic safety and damage caused to the road, midway fines, and can not eradicate the harm of overloading. At present, the state of secondary highway liberalization, free passage, secondary highway influx of a large number of overloaded vehicles, the secondary highway damage is particularly serious. Some vehicles take various measures to avoid checkpoints in order to evade inspection, causing greater harm to the highway, so it is all the more necessary to install vehicle weighing system on the car to fundamentally solve the overload problem.
Ohlelweni olunesisindo semoto lufakiwe nohlelo lokukhomba imvamisa ye-RFID Radio Frequency. Kungenzeka wazi isisindo semoto yezimpahla ngaphandle kokuma, okusheshise ijubane lokudlula ngesango lokukhokhisa. The digital display screen is installed in a prominent position of the freight car to facilitate road administration and traffic police to check the weight of the car. The system can send the required fixed and quantitative parameters to the relevant departments through GPS satellite positioning system and wireless communication transmission system, and can be online in real time for special vehicles, such as garbage trucks, oil tankers, cement trucks, special mining trucks, etc., to establish a systematic management platform.
Isikhathi sePosi: Meyi-26-2023