N200 Multi Axis mutoro weCell Scel-Dimensional Force 6 Axis Sensor
Multi axis simba sensorkubva kuna Labirinthmutoro wesero magadziri, N200 Multi Mistai Axis mutoro weCell Scel-Dimensional Force 6 axis sensor.
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal
N45 Tri-Axial Force Sensor mutoro weCell yeRobotic Automated Production Linction Line
Multi axis simba sensorkubva kuna Labirinthmutoro wesero magadziri, N45
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal
N40 yakakwira-chaiyo 3 axial Force sensor ye grip simba kutonga
Multi axis simba sensorkubva kuna Labirinthmutoro wesero magadziri, N40 yakakwira-chaiyo 3 axial Force sensor yeiyo grip simba rekutonga.
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal
Imwe chete Point mutakura cell kubva kuLabirinth mutoro weCell Scess, Lc1535 Iyo inorema kugona ndeye kubva 60 kg kusvika 300 kg.
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal
Sqd mutoro wesero reMofacturer single yakapera Beam mutoro wesero weCell Weighing cell ye Weartibridge Sensor Sensor 1ton 2ton
SQD imwechete-yakapera Beam mutakura cell,Shear Beam Rembe Serokubva kuna Labirinthmutoro wesero magadziri, SQD mutoro weCell sofacturer single yakapera Iyo inorema kugona iri kubva 0.1 ton to 2 ton.● Alloy Simbi neNickel Planing ● Module Kuisa -
LCF530DD Pancake Load cell Weighing Cell 20 ton Spoke Type Load Cell 50 ton Hopper Weighing Sensor
Akataura mhando mutakura mutorokubva kuna Labirinthmutoro wesero magadziri, LCF530DD PANCAKE PANCAKE Cell WEGHING SELLE 20 TON PANETAYTY TEMPLE SELER SELLOY STEL, iyo IP657 dziviriro. Iyo inorema kugona ndeye kubva 1 toni kusvika makumi mashanu toni.
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal -
CWV-200 Ruvara skrini inoyerera chiratidzo chekasero yemutengesi inoremadza chiratidzo sensitter transmitter
CWV-200 Ruvara Screen Weighing Indicator, ichi chigadzirwa chinogona kushandiswa kwekuratidzira kuratidza kwakasiyana siyana. Iyo yakaiswa mukushandiswa mumarara marori inoremerwa kuratidza uye mota inorema system.
LCF605 mutakura cell 100kg pancake mutoro weCell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
Akataura mhando mutakura mutorokubva kuna Labirinthmutoro wesero magadziri, LCF605 mutakura Cell 100kg pancake mutoro weCell Cell Cell Cell Iyo inorema kugona inobva kugumi toni kusvika 1000 ton.
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal -
Sl Strain sensor yakagadzirwa muChina Hopper chiyero Silo fekitori yesimba sensor silo tank muto mutoro masero
Rated mutoro: 300 kg
Chikumbiro Chekushandisa: Hopper chiyero mutema cell; tank chiyero;
Kugamuchirwa: OEM / OM, Trade, WHOLESALE, Dunhu Agency,Donhedza kutumira
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal
804 Low Profile Disk mutoro weCell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
Kuburikidza negomba rekutakurakubva kuna Labirinthmutoro wesero magadziri, 804 low profess Disk mutoro weCell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Center Iyo inorema kugona iri kubva 0,2 ton to 3 ton.
DT39 Digital Symbol System Cell Cell Transmitter Girdator Weightator Weightater Greatmitter
DT39 idiki ihuremu tremptter yakagadziridzwa nzvimbo dzekushanda maindasitiri dzinoda kurema uremu.
1. Iyo transmitter ine zvidiki zvidiki, maitiro akagadzikana, kushanda kwakareruka, uye Rs.4885 yekutaurirana interface.
2. Izvo zvinoshandiswa zvakanyanya mukuvhengana kwemasanganiswa, metallurgy, vashanduri uye makemikari, chikafu uye chikafu chekudya, nezvimwe.
6012 High Precision ROPA Mini Cell Remile Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
Imwe chete Point mutoro cell kubva kuLabirinth mutoro weCell Scess, 6012 Yakakwira Precision Kuisa Mini Cell Dem mutoro sero yakagadzirwa nealuminium, iyo IP65 dziviriro. Iyo inoyevedza kugona inobva ku0,5 kg kusvika 5 kg.
Kubhadhara: T / T, L / C, PayPal