Ụdị Ebube Cell ekwu okwusitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell,LCF500 Flat Ring Torsion Spoke Type Compression Load Cell bụ nke aluminom alloy, nke bụ IP66 nchebe. Ikike ịdị arọ bụ site na 2.5kg ruo 500kg.
Ịkwụ ụgwọ: T/T, L/C, PayPal
Ụdị Ebube Cell ekwu okwusitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCF510 Alloy Steel Ring Pancake Load Cell bụ nke aluminom alloy, nke bụ nchekwa IP66. Ikike ịdị arọ bụ site na 2.5kg ruo 500kg.
Cell Ibu Disk Profaịlụ dị alasitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCD800 Low Profile Disk Pancake Ụdị Mkpakọ Ibu Ibu Cell bụ nke alloy ígwè, nke bụ IP67 / IP68 nchebe. The arọ ikike si 1 ton ka 200 ton.
Cell Ibu Disk Profaịlụ dị alasitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCD801 Obere Button Ụdị Force Sensors Load Cell bụ nke alloy ígwè, nke bụ IP67 / IP68 nchebe. The arọ ikike si 100 kg na 5000 n'arọ.
Cell Ibu Disk Profaịlụ dị alasitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCD805 Inline Low Profile Beam Load Cell bụ nke alloy steel, nke bụ nchekwa IP68. Ikike ịdị arọ sitere na 1 ton ruo 16 ton.
Cell Ibu Disk Profaịlụ dị alasitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCD841 Compression Tension Force Sensor bụ nke alloy steel, nke bụ nchebe IP65. Ikike ịdị arọ sitere na 5 n'arọ ruo 500 n'arọ.
Site Oghere Ibu Ibu Cellsitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCC460 Kọlụm Ụdị Canister Annular Load Cell bụ nke alloy ígwè, nke bụ IP66 nchebe. Ikike ịdị arọ bụ site na 5 ton ruo ton 300.
Site Oghere Ibu Ibu Cellsitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCD820 Low Profile Disk Load Cell Force Transducer For Weighing System bụ nke alloy steel, nke bụ nchekwa IP66. Ikike ịdị arọ bụ site na 1 ton ruo ton 50.
Site Oghere Ibu Ibu Cellsitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCF560 Arụ na Control Pancake Load Cell bụ nke aluminum alloy, nke bụ IP66 nchebe. Ikike ịdị arọ bụ site na 2 ton ruo ton 5.
Nnabata: OEM/ODM, Trade, N'ogbe, Regional Agency,Wepu Mbupu
Cell Ibu Ibu bọtịnụ Oberesitere na Labirinthndị na-emepụta ihe na-ebu cell, LCD806 igwe anaghị agba nchara mkpakọ Miniature Load Cell bụ nke igwe anaghị agba nchara, nke bụ IP68 nchebe. Ikike ịdị arọ bụ site na 500 n'arọ ruo 3000 n'arọ.
+86 18566100043