901Multi-specification dynamic torque meter torque sensor

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Ntau Axis Force sensorLos ntawm LabirinthThauj khoom ntawm tes ntxhab, 901multi-specification dynamic torque 'meter' torque sensor.


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Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv


1. Peev xwm (NM): ± 5 ...... ± 500000
2. Siv ib qho kev sib kis tsis muaj kev sib cuag kis tus txheej txheem rau cov tswv yim thiab cov zis paib
3. Yuav ntsuas hluav taws xob nruj thiab zoo li qub torque
4. Ua haujlwm ua haujlwm: wireless fais fab mov thiab wireless tsim tawm
5. Tsis muaj qhov yuav tsum tau kho cov xoom tshaj plaws thaum ntsuas mus rau pem hauv ntej thiab rov qab torques.
6. Lub teeb liab tau txais cov thev naus laus zis, muaj zog tiv thaiv kev cuam tshuam
7. Tawm tswv yim lub zog polarity, tso tawm cov torque, teeb liab kev tiv thaiv
8. Tsis muaj kev hnav cov chaw xws li ib lub rings-rings, thiab nws tuaj yeem khiav ntawm kev kub ceev rau lub sijhawm ntev
9. Torque ntsuas qhov tseeb tsis muaj dab tsi ua rau kev sib hloov ceev thiab kev taw qhia
10. Lub siab muaj tseeb thiab zoo ruaj khov
11. Muaj peev xwm ntsuas rau pem hauv ntej thiab thim rov qab lub zog, nrawm thiab muaj zog
12. Me me, lub teeb yuag, kev teeb tsa yooj yim
13. Kev ntseeg siab thiab lub neej ntev
14. Yuav tuaj yeem ntsia tau rau txhua txoj haujlwm thiab kev taw qhia


Khoom Piav Qhia

901 torque sensor dynite sensor thiab zoo li qub torque sensor. 500000-· Nulti-specic-spynamic thiab zoo li qub torque sensor torque lub meter.

Qho loj

Khoom Piav Qhia02
Khoom Piav Qhia01



Cov kev ceev faj

1. Cov xaim ntawm cov series ntawm Torque sensors yuav tsum txuas nrog cov ntaub ntawv hluav taws xob, thiab lub zog tsuas tuaj yeem qhib tom qab kev pom zoo.

2. Tshawb xyuas tias cov khoom siv hluav taws xob uas tau xaiv yuav tsum muaj nrog cov khoom siv hluav taws xob tawm ntawm lub sensor.

3. Cov zis tawm ntawm cov kab kos kab tsis tuaj yeem txuas rau hauv av, uas yuav ua rau muaj kev luv luv ntawm Circuit Court.

4. Cov thaiv npog txheej ntawm cov thaiv npog cable yuav tsum txuas nrog cov khoom siv davhlau ntawm +1 5V fais fab mov.

5. Thaum lub sensor yog tsau, nws yuav tsum khov kho nrog cov khoom siv hauv paus. Qhov siab nruab nrab yuav tsum tau hloov kho kom raug hloov kho kom tsis txhob muaj kev khoov. Lub chaw nruab nrab qhov tseem ceeb yuav tsum tsawg dua 0.05mm.

6. Yog koj muaj lus nug thaum siv, thov hu rau peb lub tuam txhab nyob rau lub sijhawm, thiab koj tsis tso cai rho nws tus kheej thaum lub sijhawm lav.

7. Tsis txhob ntxig lossis tshem cov ntsaws thaum lub zog yog.

8. Tso zis paib: Square nthwv dej zaus ± 15KHz XOOM XEEM: 15 KhZ, rov qab tag nrho cov nplai 5KHz Torque: 12.000 ma; Forward Tag Nrho Cov Nplai: 20.000ma; Rov qab tas nrho cov nplai: 4.000 ma


10. If you need to measure the speed, just install a special speed measuring device on the shell of this series of torque sensors The sensor and its tachometer wheel can measure the speed signal of 6-60 square waves per revolution.

11. Siv ob txheej ntawm couplings, nruab txoj siv sia torque sensor nruab nrab ntawm lub zog thiab lub nra.

12. Lub zog thiab cov khoom siv thauj khoom yuav tsum tau tsau thiab txhim khu kev qha kom tsis txhob co.

13. Txhim kho lub hauv paus ntawm Torque sensor thiab lub hauv paus ntawm cov khoom siv raws li qhov ua tau (tuaj yeem viav vias) kom tsis txhob muaj khoov rau lub sijhawm.

Khoom Piav Qhia04


Khoom Piav Qhia03

1. Grounding
2. + 15V
3. -15v
4. Ceev Cov Teeb Phom Tawm
5. Torque teeb liab tso zis

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